Monday, September 5, 2011

Sweet 16 and Lessons Learned

Well, my oh so sweet hubby changed his work schedule for me (went in at 9 am) so that I could get a long run in this week. Yay! The bad news, is that when, at mile 8, I was completely done running for the day, I felt guilty quitting when he so kindly stayed home so I could run.. Darn.

16 is a big number for me. In fact, when I turned 16 years old, my mom played "16 candles" on the cassette player (for those readers under the age of 20, just Google cassette player and if necessary also Google "16 candles"). She also had no lighter for my birthday candle so instead set a piece of paper on fire at the stove, almost burning down the house. Hmm, I think that was also the year she gave me a TV for my birthday, when I wanted a pair of shoes. I was not a gracious 16 year old, and did not receive the gift well. Turns out she didnt have any money for a gift but could get a credit card to an electronics store, hence the TV. As an adult I have had to grovel and seek forgiveness for that one...eek. Sometimes life's lessons require some time to be learned.

16 also happens to be the year I got my first boyfriend, took my SAT's, did NOT take my driving test and continued to mooch rides off my friends, and 16 is also the number of times I said "This really stinks..." while I ran this morning's run.

Well that last part might not be true. I think I said it more like 100 times.

I took off at 5:45 am and took the dog. Lesson #1. My dog has control issues and likes to exert his control over the situation by pooping on the sidewalk while I am running. This forces me to stop, spew out some unpleasant words*** his way, and clean up after him while he gets to rest and pee on the lamposts. (***FYI I do not swear, so when I talk about "swearing" just think phrases like phooey poo head dingo, dagnabbit, holy camoley, and "this really stinks...")

I had to go pee by 6:00 am. Really bad. Lesson #2. The public bathrooms in the park are still locked at 6:00 am.

I was trying out a new "butt water thingee" which I think is the name given by the author of a book my mom got me. Lesson #3. Do not buy the cheap-o "butt water thingees" from mega stores. They shift around and the water bottle hits you on the elbow. The water bottle sloshes around reminding you for 8 miles how bad you have to pee. They make you look like a complete dork. (okay well I dont think there is an option of NOT looking like a complete dork once you start getting into higher have to run with a day's supply of food and water attached to your body wear those breatheable and not stylish running hats, and you have embarrassing sweat spots in weird places...).

I was running up the hardest and longest hills I could find in the area, because I am now officially intimidated by the thought of those big fat Greek hills. Lesson #4. Ouchie Mama. Oh and running down hill didn't help my wobbly legs too much either. Guess that was Lesson #5?

The good news is that I finished the 16 miles in one piece, a little sore and a little sleepy. I was good and had a smoothie to finish the run. I had to walk part of the last 1.5 miles, so will probably try again with no walking. I don't have a goal to run the entire Athens Marathon since I dont know what those hills will do to me but I figure I will train to run if I can.

Kudos to my sis Naomi who ran her first half marathon this weekend to prepare for the Marathon! And to my mom who had a super long run over the weekend too. Mom got a Google account so you should be hearing from her soon!

Now it's time for a nap. All three of my boys are at a playdate at my saint of a friends so that I can sneak in a snooze. Yay!

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