The human body is so fascinating in how it can adapt and grow stronger. There was a time, when my heart would race and my lungs would feel like bursting at 2 miles. Yesterday, it took 12 miles of hills to get me to that point! Another thing I notice, is that after running hills for a few days in a row, I can run on a flat surface much easier. It is an easier effort.
Similarly, when I run errands with my four year old, things tend to be more difficult and tiring (gotta get stickers and a sucker from trader joes...got to get the car seat situated, got to stop for potty breaks, got to say "no, because you dont NEED another matchbox airplane!!" ) So when I run errands without my four year old, things just go quickly and smoothly and again, my effort level seems much lower.
Today was a day that, a few months ago, I would have described as a really, really busy day. I would have been tired by now. But marathon training has changed my perspective some.
Yesterday, I ran 18 miles, 12 of which were uphill. The Gu's upset my stomach and I was tired and grouchy by the end of the run. Poor hubby went along on his bike for the first time (and possibly now the last!) to hand me water and Gu's on request. Unfortunately I was not a happy camper for the latter half of the run. We had driven to the beach, went our 18 miles, spent about 30 minutes back at the beach - Ryan, watching the surfers ride the waves...me, laying in the grass waiting to die (only a slight exaggeration, I assure you). Then to the grocery store to get chocolate milk. By the time we got home, and I had showered, iced my legs, taken my ibuprofen, slept and then found enough leg strength to get downstairs for dinner, the day was done. And THAT was a typical long run day for me.
Which brings me to today. After a long run day, just as after a hill run, or a toddler errand run, a non-run day feels like a piece of cake. Here is a glimpse of what my easy day consisted of: waking up and teaching my 11 year old how to make french toast for the family. Playing with my 4 year old. Going to the produce store for leeks and stopping at Trader Joes for this weeks groceries plus the inevitable impulse buys. Doing all the laundry and scrubbing the house from top to bottom (that one took a while!). Making a homemade apple pie and also some mini apple crisps for friends who have been under the weather. Going out on a "bagel date" with my oldest son to catch up on life. Cutting up a butternut squash while talking to a friend who has been in the hospital all week. Then making homemade butternut squash soup with cider cream for dinner with some fresh baked ciabatta bread and tomato - lentil bruschetta. Entertaining the 4 year old neighbor girl for a bit. Going for a walk around the neighborhood after dinner with hubby, boys and dog. Watching the Disney channel with the older boys and tucking in the little guy.
Such an easy, fun, NON-RUN sort of day! Doing the laundry alone is usually a drudgery for me. But today I felt almost lazy in that I had so much leisure time. Granted, running is supposed to feel like a leisure activity too. But trust me, by the last few weeks of marathon training, running feels like anything but leisure!
I enjoyed my day today but tomorrow it is back to training again. Five days of the next seven I will be running. I am also catering 300 desserts for a wedding on Friday, but hopefully after the running days, that will indeed feel like a (okay and look like one too I hope!) piece of cake!
I'm impressed you got so much baking done in one day! I'm particularly impressed you were able to even be on your feet the day after an 18 mile run. I wanna hear more about your hill runs. When I do my "hill runs", I wonder if I'm doing enough. I have one particular hill that I consider BIG but maybe other runners would consider it wimpy.