Friday, September 30, 2011

Will Cook For Shoes

My husband and I live in Southern California on a modest income. Cost of living here is high, and our three boys like to eat. So, you may be wondering, (and if you aren't I am going to tell you anyway) how we can afford to get our butts on a plane and visit Athens and run 26.2 miles there.

Let me tell you, Athens aside, running is NOT an inexpensive sport. People may try to convince you that it is, but they lie. Okay, if you are young and have no knee or foot or back issues. If you don't care about the future health of your body. If you don't mind looking like you were in a wet t-shirt contest after a three mile run. If you slather yourself with vaseline or Body Glide when you run, and if you never actually want to run a race - then I suppose it might be less expensive. Because then you can wear the same pair of cheap-o shoes for years on end, skip the dry-wicking shirts and non-chafing shorts, and just enjoy running the neighborhood without taking any vitamins or receiving any medals to hang. And admittedly, that was my running style for many years and running was a cheap sport.

Unfortunately now that I am older, I require much more maintenance and need to find a way to bankroll this so-called inexpensive hobby of mine.

Ironically, I cater on the side in order to pay for running. The other day, I made 300 snickerdoodles for a company luncheon, using a very large amount of butter. The next day I got a shiny new pair of Brooks Ravenna 2's and then ran 19 miles and burned 2000 calories. Last year, I catered a big party and then soon after paid for my marathon registration in Athens, Greece. Little bits and pieces at a time, but thankfully things keep coming up that help me to continue on.

I always tell people that I have three main passions in life (lets assume family is one too) - God, Running and Food. And then I say that the last two sort of cancel each other out which leaves the first and most important. But really, although I do love healthy eating and cooking, you will never catch me bad-mouthing a dark chocolate cupcake with salted caramel frosting. Or a buffet pasta dish with carmelized onions, rosemary and gorgonzola. Because that cupcake, and that pasta is going to help get me to the finish line in Greece.

And for that I am forever grateful!

1 comment:

  1. That's what I need to do - figure out a way to make some money to pay for this so called "inexpensive" hobby. I don't suppose you would pay me to eat the food you make? No such luck? = P

    Love reading the posts from all three of you ladies!
